PNWFC Family Members adopted these Native Alaska Discourse Values. These are excerpted from “Stop Talking: Indigenous Ways of Teaching and Learning and Difficult Dialogues in Higher Education”. Shared with permission from Larry Merculieff.
These are not rules that Family Members enforce. They are guidance they offer to themselves and each others as we collaborate. Family Members believe that if we employ these when we communicate about police accountability, we will be more effective at ending police violence.
Treat each other with respect.
Keep in mind that everyone has their own truth.
Listen without agenda.
Be polite, courteous, and thoughtful.
Refrain from interruptions.
Affirm other speakers.
Do not voice disagreement or use violent words; instead, say something positive about the previous speaker and then simply add your own thoughts.
Respect privacy. Everything shared in confidence needs to be kept in confidence.
Be supportive of each other.